Summer Community Band 2024

Jacqui Tomlet and the musicians at the Rotary Community Band made an exceptional work this year, bringing great music and joy to our souls during this season concerts.
Dedicating a tree to David Steiner, a member of our club that helped during many years to this project was an exceptional moment too!
We thank our sponsor North Shore Chemist for their support to this activity that bring our community together.
Installation Dinner 2024-2025
The Rotary Club of Great Neck annually recognizes the hard work of each one of these wonderful middle schoolers from South and North Public Schools, Silverstein Hebrew Academy and North Shore Hebrew Academy.
Thanks to our awardees, families, authorities, club members, teachers, principals and guests for your time, support and effort to make this a very special event for everyone.
Service Above Self
Rotary Day of Service 2024
Thank you!
The Rotary Club of Great Neck is grateful to all the volunteers & members that helped us to complete a very successful Day of Service together with 59 Clubs of our District #7255 plus Clubs in Bermuda-Connecticut-Massachusetts-New Jersey-New York-Rhode Island.
Our Club has had another very successful Turkey Drive. This year we gave away 1100 turkeys & trimmings to people in need in our community.
Thank you to those that donate monies to this event ( you still can donate by going to our website Rotaryclubgreatneck.org)
Thank you to all the volunteers children & adults & teenagers that helped fill the 1100 bags of goodies & those that worked in the refrigerated truck!
We are sharing a video filmed by the GNCA(Great Neck Chinese Association) of our Thanksgiving Drive 2022
Here is the link Hope you enjoy it!
Thank you to our sponsors, donors & volunteers. Bravo to Roger for another successful Drive.

Once again this year, the Rotary Club of Great Neck donated an important number of school supplies to benefit students at JFK Elementary School and Great Neck South Middle School.
Farewell dinner for our Rotary Friendship Exchange with District 2400 Sweden, hosted by Rotary Club of Great Neck.
THANK YOU to our generous sponsors!
Great Neck, NY 11021
United States of America